Reiki Helps Back of Heart Chakra
Marcella wanted to give herself a self care gift for her 50th birthday. It was her very first Reiki session as she has thought about trying this new avenue to healing for many months. After some dialogue at the beginning of her session she let me know that she was familiar with intutive and energy healing topics as she read and utilized varioius self awareness resources. She was already used to helping herself intentionally change her life outlook, her energy levels and her overall well being.
As she was on the Reiki table her energy field lightened up and layers of muddiness seemed to slide away. I noticed that the muddy energy on the front of her heart chakra easily lifted away while a cage like structure of energy remained. It became obvious to me that she had unconscious beliefs limiting full expression in her life. This formation was part of a many layered, baked in and muddy formation of limiting energy that seemed to come from the back of the heart chakra. Because there was a fairly quick release at the front of the heart chakra it was clear to me that the uplifting mindset work that she was practicing was creating great benefits in her aura. The older energy in the back of the heart chakra was impeding her continued progress.
When she was on her stomach I was able to work more closely on the back of her heart chakra. The layers of enmeshed energy representing a difficult early life setting where her wants in life were repeatedly and systematically suppressed by her parents and other family members. The number of layers that I noticed pointed to a very long process where the limitations placed on her ability to focus on her happiness were extreme and reinforced over a long period of time.
At this point in her journey, I recommended that it was time to consciously dismiss negative messages and limited perceptions of possibility that came from the past. A possible affirmation would be, "I hereby call on the power of my spirit to heal past traumas and dismiss all forms of limitation on my sense of possibility. I dismiss the past from teaching me how to live in the present". As she worked with this affirmation the cage like structure at the front of her heart chakra and more of the muddy energy at the back dissipated.
Marcella ended her session expressing her gratitude and a sense of how to progress with her energy field and her life. The continued work to realease the layer of baked in energy was left in her hands.