Reiki Helps to Clear a Muddy Aura
A Reiki Healee came in with warm energy with a bright silver lining but there was plenty of muddiness as well. The Reiki blessing helped to soften and shift her energy field to some degree. I was able to see further into the layers that were presenting and I noticed that there were threads of creative energy with various forms of tangled energy.
She was a very active local musician and had a large network of peers with whom she would hang out with. She loves to be with creative people, which amounts to doing various forms of very casual mingling. While the Reiki method can be helpful in clearing up her energy and undoing some of the tangling, in this session I felt called to do some coaching to help to clear up the tangle and muddiness. Conscious awareness and reflection on how to create lasting shift are very effective tools for deeper and or lasting forms of energy shift.