Reiki with Intuitive Coaching Unblocks Flow from Crown Chakra
I recently had a 'Reiki Healee' come in for a Reiki session with whom I noticed had an energy block between their third eye and crown chakra. While the energy did begin to shift this block out of the way, the intuitive guidance from the Reiki's intelligence guided me to do some Intuitive Coaching around the issues that were creating this block.
The block came from a well practiced perception that her intellectual capacities and metaphysical understandings would bring her to the state of awakening that she intended to realize. Based on my understanding that the crown chakra is about purity, nondual awareness and ineffable reality, I knew that this higher energy center was being being projected onto with mental concepts. A more devotional approach to her intention to wake up was needed. I asked her to consciously ask for the vital knowing of the highest source and the life force energy to bring light to her very developed intellect. I told her that it was time to move from being a very smart individual to a brilliant one and that it was time to allow for the knowing and very alive knowing of her crown and the higher source.
This 'Reiki Healee' was definitely a more advanced individual because she was able to consciously ask for this shift while she was on the Reiki table. The block that existed between the crown and third eye chakras disappeared and she felt an awakening in her third eye. I let her know that the pattern to lean on intellect and metaphyaical doctrine is very strong for her and that a lasting shift will take some conscious ongoing work.