Reiki Balances an Expanded Aura
I have been working with a very unique 'Reiki Healee' for about 4 years who is a very expanded individual. Many of his friends would say that he has a beautiful mind meaning that he can recite works of writing from authors such as Shakespear or Poe without even thinking about it. He also has made major contributions to the world of computer science as he made some innovations in how data processing works. He often worked on projects that concerned world wide networks of information and financial exchange. As he often comes in for stimulating conversation, he has much to say about very esoteric topics as well. Recently, I have decided that each session ought to begin with reading a few lines from one of his life long favorite works of wisdom called "The Tao Te Ching."
When this person first came to me many years ago, his aura was incredibly expanded. I often had a hard time finding the edge of his aura as it extended beyond the size of my healing studio. In most healing sessions the 'Reiki Healee' has an aura that would expand as the heavier areas of energy would unpack and move out of the aura. This individual was so expanded that his energy was spread thin. My concern was that his energy lacked presence or strength at the level of body.
During this persons Reiki sessions the energy would find balance in its unique way. The energy flows in and around his body would begin to pulse and grow brighter. His aura would consequently move from about 15 feet of expansion to about 7 or 8 feet in all directions. The edge of the aura would become stronger. It was clear to me that it would be ok for his aura to be expanded to 15 ot more feet in all directions if he was intent on seeing that his first job in life is to be very present to what is in the moment. This may often mean that being emotionally present to the person in front of him can become more of a priority.
As this perons has been coming to me for these many months, the ongoing coaching process along with Reiki has been a blessing as he has a person who he can connect with on expanded topics. He needs to be honored for his intellectual and intutive brilliance while he grows into his capacity to be in the immediate space he enhabits with more presence and connection.