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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Clear Past Life Karma from Your Aura

Your Karma is in Your Aura -

Your energy signature is effected by unhelpful energy patterns from your past lives. Discover past lives and clear unhelpful influences that began long ago.

Let's explore how life situations whether they are conflicting or easy are coming together in a way that reflects your Aura energy and its' attractive qualities. As we reflect on any difficulties that we may be having Jeremy will be providing helpful information, a karma feedback demonstration and clearing techniques that will help you dissolve the various conflicts that might come up in the days ahead.

The Human Aura is a balloon of energy around the physical body. It is a dimension of the personal self that directly reflects ones attitude, and spiritual awareness. Education on this topic reveals a correlation between consciousness and health, and between mindsets and life circumstances. If a person is locked into heavy thought patterns such as shame, guilt, apathy, resentment etc., he/she is more likely to be sick, get into an accident or be a victim of a crime. If one is dedicated to being an aware and uplifted person, life begins to seem easy and it seems to reveal itself as a miraculous and synchronistic dance. Opportunities, wellness and fulfillment begin to come spontaneously and effortlessly.

When one joins a circle of fellow spiritual aspirants, the likely hood of uplifting shifts and life changing realizations dramatically increases. As we address the aura directly we become aware of our actual vibrational reality. We become more willing to shift awareness and to do practices that invigorate energy flows, increase energetic vibration, create balance, clear toxic clusters and more. This class will give you insight and strategies that are designed to assist you in this process.

Information and contemplation on how our vibration works is also a central theme of this class. As Jeremy uses his awareness of energy fields, he facilitates the group towards a vibrational unity that heals and empowers the participants. At times individual auras are read as a means to help reveal one's actual subtle nature and to comprehensively tell the story of the empowering dance that consciousness work can deliver.