Jeremy Shares
"My First Reiki Session"
My first Reiki Session was in 1988 with a Reiki Master Practitioner named Brenda. I went into the back room of a crystal shop on Farwell Avenue in Milwaukee, WI. This was after doing months of seeking through advertisements in various energy healing magazines and local wellness periodicals. The word Reiki seemed to pop out at me so I needed to give the practice a try.
Brenda had a massage table and a stool ready for me in a small healing space in the back of this metaphysical store. I was given a few simple instructions such as to lay on the table on my back and to relax and pay attention to how my body and my energy field are feeling. She placed her hands lightly on my eyes and soon a warm and peaceful energy started to surround my eyes and head. I could feel It dissolve the stress from going to college and the learning of survival skills during my first months of living on my own. I felt her warm healing hands move to various areas starting with temples, back of neck shoulders etc. The peaceful energy continued to come over me to dissolve areas of density, weight and tension. Periodically, Brenda would take her away and flick them into the air. I later learned that Reiki people often shake released energy off thier hands during a Reiki session. I felt tensions and weight leave me each time she did this.
As I look back on this session I now know that at some point I left time and space. The sense of body, its tension, personality and personal story were completely replaced by a field of vital energy. I had so much direct contact with the energy of peacefulness that I became it. There was only peace and nothing else.
As I came back from this experience I was profoundly inspired by how impactful this method was for me. I soon became a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner and started a healing practice in the front room of my apartment. It is now over 37 years later and I now have a healing space behind my home in Madison, Wisconsin where I teach all levels of Reiki and various forms of intutive development. I am most interested in sharing how an individual can have direct contact with the energetic field of peacefulness that Reiki is and to eventually discover this energetic field of peacefullness as thier very own Truest Self.