Welcome to the Affinity Transformations Website

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Integrated Energy Healing Techniques with Intuitive Development

Cost: $75


For the person who is already familiar with energy healing here is your chance to explore energy work that focus's on the use of intuitive reality. You will explore integrated energy healing methods while Jeremy will share with you how to approach healing work with true response and a deep trust in intuitive reality. Jeremy is excited to share all that he knows from his 30 years of intuitive development in Reiki and energy healing.

See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nXtLp-xOCc&t=8s

Please RSVP.


Translated from Japanese, Reiki basically means 'Universal Life Force Energy. It is infinitely intelligent, everywhere and in everything. This field of healing energy is at our disposal. When we learn to access it, we are led on a journey of true awe and wonder.

For Jeremy this journey has included the ability to see patterns in the energy. Full Aura Seers are rare, and one who can harness this ability into a useful tool for transformation is very special. When Jeremy does Reiki work on a person, he incorporates his gift of Auric Seeing to help in pinpointing the areas of the energy field that needs shifted, and he is better able to facilitate this process.

Limited patterns in a person’s energy field create shapes, imbalances and interruptions which are visible to a gifted seer. When a treatment is given from an attuned individual, a boost occurs in both the 'healer' and the 'healee." This energy can be a valuable asset in attaining greater wellness, emotional balance, personal empowerment, peace and more. Profound transformation often occurs if a participant surrenders limited ideas about themselves. Insight into energy patterns can help one take charge of a benefit that is created during the energy session. It is this added component that can make Reiki Sessions with Jeremy powerful and extremely useful.

ABOUT JEREMY: Jeremy Anacker is also a Reiki Teacher qualified to do Reiki attunements. He studied with Helen Borth, the first Reiki Master in Wisconsin, for over 20 years in an exciting process of discovery and realization. He has been doing Reiki healing and alignment work for many years. If someone wants to become a Reiki practitioner, either for self use or to do energy work on others, Jeremy can teach them and offer the attunements necessary to awaken this unlimited life force gift. His added ability to see auras complements his teaching, and helps him better explain to students how to attune and trust because he can see what may be blocked in their energetic field.


Treatments, Attunements and Reiki Sharing Events are offered on specific dates or by request. Personal Reiki treatments from Jeremy include dialogue on your personal auric field coupled with the benefits mentioned above. One hour sessions are $100