Reiki and Intuitive
Sessions and Classes
How do you Begin?

Jeremy Anacker worked with Helen Borth, the first Reiki Master in Wisconsin for over 20 years. He has included his ability to see auras and his enthusiasm for transformation in all of his work. Click for more information on Reiki and Jeremy's work in the midwest.

We are fully equipped to provide support for your spiritual growthi in the way that works for you. Our conference camera creates a setting where we can offer an experience that integrates participants who are oth online and in person.

About Affinity Transformations
Affinity Transformations serves alternative community as a resource for individual reiki and intuitive sessions and transformation events. Affinity Transformations is an outreach and a natural expression of a life-long quest to share and serve community from the founders highest understanding.
About the Founder
Jeremy Anacker, Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner, Aura Seer and Sound Healer is a lifelong enthusiast who is excited to share his healing talents and all that he knows in individual sessions or at supportive events or class settings. Jeremy's unique background and abilities have made him a gift to others. See more about Jeremy
"You deserve to experience powerful healing, energy upgrades and exceptional shifts in the quality of your life. Your best self and your best life are waiting."
"Jeremy is a kind and patient teacher, and creates comfortale learning environments to empower his students. He treats everyone as peers and emphasizes the need to follow one's own intuition. He is able so set ego aside and send loving energy to others who need it most. I have only met a few people who are able to do that at the same time capacity. It speaks highly of his character. It has been a privilege to learn from him."
Mourning Dove - Madison, WI
“Jeremy is a very funny, personable and impressionable man, and let's not forget the magic he holds with him! All of his classes are affordable, fun, and attract an amazing crowd. I'd highly recommend him for any spiritual growth experiences you're interested in partaking in."
Sonya Blade - Viroqua, Wisconsin
“I’ve known and worked with Jeremy for over 18 years. He is a remarkably gifted individual with great integrity. He did events at a store I owned for many years and we fully trusted him in every way. I’ve personally experienced his healing work and attended his group sessions since their inception. His many spiritual gifts are genuine and profound. I would recommend him to anyone with full confidence."
Diane Doughman - Madison, Wisconsin
"I have attended Jeremy's groups and have done individual sessions with Jeremy for a dozen years. I feel that the quality of the teaching that I have benefitted from is very high. I am after higher wisdom in this lifetime. Affinity is where I most find it. I have evolved as a spiritual being in human form. If this type of growth appeals to you, I highly recommend Jeremy Anacker and Affinity Transformations. I feel that Jeremy is humble, while on a noble path."
Brent West - Madison, Wisconsin
“Reiki has offered me healthy calm no other therapies have been able to tap into. I was skeptical... tried talk therapy, yoga, meditation, and many others over the years. I've been working with Jeremy for the past 2+ years to understand and manage how the energy in my body works. It's been fascinating, enlightening and amazing. I now count Jeremy and Reiki practice as a mandatory life resource. Just stepping into the space in his studio brings peace. ”
Monica S. - Madison, Wisconsin
Eva's Video Testimonial
Eva came by for an Integrated Healing Session that included Aura Seeing Insights. She was very excited to speak to how helpful the Intuitive Coaching was along with the validation for her energetic own experience in a short video testimonial.
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